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. . . I get mad at WordPress and leave my blog alone.

Actually, that’s not one hundred percent true.  I just get mad, period.

As my loyal reader would have probably noticed, I haven’t written an entry in the past three weeks.  It’s just that there are a lot of things that I have been doing in the past month.  I had been meaning to update my blog whenever I riding a bus, or during my lunch break at work, but alas, the WordPress app on my Symbian phone is not working.  It may sound like I’m making excuses, but really, blogging didn’t even enter my mind when I was on my computer in the past few weeks.

So, what have I been doing that is so important that I’ve disappointed my #1 reader?

  • I bought a Nintendo 3DS and played LoZ: Ocarina of Time for a couple of weeks
  • Work has been really tiring.  I work at this high-end grocery store, probably up to ten hours a shift.  One of these days I’ll explain what I do, I promise.
  • I’ve been obsessed with the free MMORPG called Spiral Knights.  I’ve been earning crowns and tending to my auctions.
  • Steam Camp!
  • I got a new job!  I got hired as a cell phone salesperson.  The base pay is alright, commission is good, it’s a good way to gain experience so I can put something on my resume other than “worked in food business.”
So basically what would happen was I’d go home from work, play a little bit of Spiral Knights, and then read a book until a fall asleep.  Too tired to do anything else but that.  I would then wake up in the morning, do my morning stuff, then play Nintendo 3DS until my eyes bled, and then go to work.  And now I have a second job, so I’m going to be busier.
But I’ll try to update my blogs as often as a can, with or without the Symbian WordPress app.